Quantum Wellness & Energy Healing

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Featuring the Energy Enhancement System™

Full Spectrum offers quantum wellness tools such as the The Energy Enhancement System™ (EESystem™) that generates multiple bio-active life-enhancing energy fields, including scalar waves which can allow cell regeneration, improve circulation and immune function, reduce inflammation, provide relief from pain, detoxify the body, elevate moods, and assist in balancing R/L brain balance for optimal meditation and sleep states, and giving the body the tools and energy it needs to help heal itself.

Our Services

Energy Enhancement Session

Our 24 field-generating EES units are precisely aligned to create a quantum bio-photonic field of life-enhancing frequencies that bathe you in pure light energy supporting cell regeneration, improving immune function, provide relief from pain and more!

AO: EZ Scan

By leveraging bio-resonance technology, this non-invasive scan reads the body’s energetic field to identify imbalances and stressors – producing a visual report and allowing for proactive wellness decisions and personalized health strategies.

AO Scan: Inner Voice

A unique insight into your personal health and wellness by analyzing the frequency and vibration of your voice – decoding emotional and physiological imbalances, helping you to understand your inner health landscape and guiding you towards optimal well-being.


A therapeutic technology that enhances blood flow and general health through the use of low-level electromagnetic field that supports the body’s own natural processes, assisting in the optimization of physical performance, recovery processes, and muscular function.

Upcoming Events


Recalibration & Regeneration Healing Circle in the Full Spectrum’s 24-unit EESystem

🌟🧘‍♀️🌿🙏Join your Full Spectrum CommUnity on Friday, May 17th for a fundraiser for our beloved Maryanne Savino!

Full Spectrum Quantum Wellness is honored to host from New Zealand, internationally recognised spiritual teacher, multi-dimensional channel, sound, healer, Ascension way-shower and Maryanne’s good friend of over 20 years : Judy Satori!
Join Judy for a collective Recalibration & Regeneration Healing circle in our 24-unit Energy Enhancement System in support of Maryanne’s healing journey and those facing physical challenges during this very cathartic and purifying Year of the Dragon!

Friday, May 17

Come elevate your Being with Love

Judy Satori is an internationally recognized spiritual teacher, multi-dimensional channel, vibrational sound healer and Ascension way-shower.
Judy verbally transmits energy words of ‘new Creation’, Universal Source Creation language that is divinely designed to activate and expand human capacity and ability. Her work, with a new energy spectrum called ‘Ultralight’, creates permanent alchemical change at the level of cells and the DNS template, positively transforming people physically and emotionally and opening them to their gifts of Spirit.
Judy speaks many galactic languages and works with startbeings as a Galactic Ambassador to open hearts and minds and to shift people into a more expanded version of self and what is possible for them to create in life. Her work supports one’s best version of self, is physically regenerative and rapidly expands consciousness and vibration.
Judy’s work is housed in a subscription-based Ascension Library and is also available online.Through her library she offers hundreds of audio and video programs to help people to transform their lives for the better and express their unique potential. For more information on the incredible work of Judy Satori, you can visit www.JudySatori.com & www.AscensionLibrary.org
Maryanne Savino is inspired to empower and support women in accessing their unique gifts. She brings over 30 years of experience traveling the path of personal and spiritual growth. Her work draws on the use of Sacred Circles, Ascension Support, Light Language & Sound Healing, Womb Wisdom Teachings, Ritual Temple Dance and Movement, Shamanic Practices and other Metaphysical studies for healing and wellbeing. Maryanne is dedicated to serving Mother Earth and her inhabitants with great reverence, respect and unconditional love.
For Maryanne’s bio and more info about her offerings, please visit: www.starseedmission.org

About Full Spectrum Quantum Wellness and the Energy Enhancement System – Full Spectrum exists to raise the positive vibration of the planet by offering wellness tools that support the body, mind and spirit. The “EESystem” generates multiple bio-active, life-enhancing energy fields, including scalar waves and bio-photonic energy which can allow cell regeneration, improve circulation and immune function, reduce inflammation provide relief from pain, detoxify the body, elevate moods and assist in balancing right and left brain for optimal meditation and sleep states. This gentle, yet powerful technology provides the environment for the body to connect to its innate wisdom to help itself into a state of homeostasis.

Time: 7:00pm – 9:00pm (doors open at 6:30pm)
Where: Full Spectrum Quantum Wellness
48 W. Northfield Rd. Livingston NJ 07039

**We kindly ask no personal recording please**

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Our Locations


271 Grove Ave. Suite C-1
Verona, NJ 07044



10am – 6pm
12pm – 8pm
10am – 6pm
10am – 6pm
10am – 3pm

10am – 5pm


48 west Northfield Rd.
Livingston, NJ 07039



10am – 6pm
12pm – 8pm
10am – 6pm
10am – 5pm
